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A member registered Jul 08, 2019

Recent community posts

I see that you're not trying to be ungrateful but even still I don't get why you're so underwhelmed. For them to only add a new day isn't anything new for this creator just because it took like 30 days longer doesn't really mean anything, it's not a big deal. So you really have no good reason to be upset and mad over the new update. And if you really feel like it wasn't worth waiting and entire two months for then maybe you should go and look for an already completed game to play. And I'm just gonna point it out, for you to think a couple typo's makes it seen like I'm not serious is childish, especially when my only typos were from not using     '    and not punctuating the i. Also, I'm ngl it's a pretty basic comeback during an argument, but hey if you want to be a grammar nazi I'll humor you. Go back to like 2015 if you want it to have any sort of leverage in an argument tho.  And this argument seems to be just as “important” to you as well since you seem to have responded.

I think you should be grateful for the creator to even post updates as much as they do. On a free game. I dont get why people want to be so demanding for new content so fast, especially with such a small group of people making the game (idk even know if its a group could just be a signle person) because when you want more content quicker its going to be less quality. And you dont know whats going on in their personal life, they also have no obligation to tell the community about it. Ive been waiting since 2018 for them to add more content so i will have way more to do since last play through, do you see me complaining about it? No im grateful that the creators have blessed us with as much content as they already have, without making people pay for it. Long story short quit being so needy and deal with it, be grateful you have it in the first place. Not trying to be rude but, unfortunately the truth isnt always nice.

Halp it wont download and ive tried the alternate download wut do i do?

Thank you sooo much! Keep up the great work!!

I know right. He is by far my favorate! (probably bacause I spent most my time with him.)

Noice thanks for the info. Any idea as to what content it holds?

Ok cool thanks!

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18? Months? Days?

Or is it an 18+ nsfw update

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Wait whens the next content update for Jun, plz i need info.            Plz.